Real Estate Investors
Real estate investors are all unique in their objectives and projects. But one thing that seems to be true for many real estate investors, they all need fast, flexible real estate loans that helps them stay within their timeline for each of their deals.
If the project is a fix and flip, or a major rehab on a luxury home, or a quick acquistion of a multifamily, or even a purchase of a commercial income property, can help.
Creative, Efficient, Effective Loan Solutions
> Loan Amount to $20 MM
> Business Purpose Loans | Cross-Collateral Loans | Bridge Loans | Fix & Flips
> 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages
> Single Family Residence | Multifamily | Commercial | Industrial | Special Use
> Maturity from 1 - 3 Years
> Interest Only Payments
> Up to 65% LTV/CLTV or less on the all collateralized properties
> Turn-time can be as fast as 5-10 days
Flexible Guidelines
> No FICO Scores
> No Tax Returns
> No Seasoned Funds
> No Seasoned Title
> No Appraisals